Sunday 8 December 2013

De Proefbrouwerij-To Øl-Dangerously Close to Stupid

I can't figure out if the first or second name above is the brewery I think they are both involved, anyway, it's Danish! This refreshing imperial IPA with an ABV of 9.3% packs a punch in more than one way. It's highly alcoholic, so you feel quite light-headed after, and it's frankly silly amount of hops (mixture of Citra and Cenntennial-both of which provide a citrus/floral quality) packs quite a punch.


Very artsy fartsy label, the front is just a floral pattern, with the brand name really small on the top left hand corner. The back label has an ingredients list (very handy for a learner like me) and a little description which reads-'An imperial India Pale Ale with a close to stupid amount of hops'. On pouring we have a cloudy orange/amber colour, a white bubbly head which lasts surprisingly long, considering the large bubbles.

There is a definite citrus and floral hit as soon as you stick your nose in. There is a slightly alcoholic smell also, as the other qualities aren't all
that strong.

There is an amazing refreshing bitterness to this IPA. Which isn't surprising considering the two types of hops, and the amount of them in it, you can really tell. The citrus again comes out as a grapefruit kind of hit. The floral quality is almost perfume-like, which isn't at all as unpleasant as it sounds, going quite well with the bitterness. As with the smell there is a definite alcoholic after taste. To be honest this isn't all that bad as it's not too strong, having said that I've drank stronger beers with no alcoholic taste. It may be the clean, simple flavours that don't cover it up. It didn't stop me wanting more though. Great beer.

Lovely beer, it was well worth the 4 odd pounds I paid for it. Can't really remember, I bought 'Brew Dog's Hoppy Christmas and a bottle of raspberry lemonade for Betty. That was lovely actually. Not too fizzy and no artificial crap in it. Noice! Peace.

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