While buying some beers for my sister's boyfriend, and some extras for myself over the Christmas break, the lady at my usual spot was totting up the price of my 5 beers. She then advised me that if I got another one, and if it cost around £3, then it would be basically free-because of some offer or other. I obviously jumped at this. Being taken by surprise by my good fortune, I panicked, pointed at this beer because it had a nice label, and cost around £3, and left. I thought later that I should have just got another really nice bottle, because I still would have got the discount. My regret didn't last long, it melted away as soon as I tasted the beer within.

As I said and you can see from the picture it's a gorgeous label. I've done a short internet search and couldn't come up with the artist. But it's nice. On pouring you get a deep ruby red, almost stout-like colour, just not quite as dark. It has a light brown head, not long lived and a bit bubbly, very ale like, but slightly longer-d'ya get me? Good.
I thought it smelled like a nice Ale; hoppy and citrusey. It always reminds me of an old English pub, that smell. Not so much like an Irish pub, I always think of an Irish pub smelling like stale porter, most likely from the 'mother's milk' (from the movie Sweety Barrett) which collects under the taps, and is usually made primarily of Guinness. Whereas an English pub, I always think, smells of bitter, or ale-that hoppy smell, except a little stale, I suppose from spilled drink, and drip trays as well. There is also, always the unmistakable smell of humanity off a pub, and in years gone by of course smoke from cigarettes, pipes and/or cigars!
Now, like I said, after drinking this lovely stuff my regret left me. It's not the most amazing, complex, breath-taking beer I've ever had, not by a long way. It was lovely though. Hoppy enough to convince me it was an ale. With a nice malty quality, that brings it a little towards the stout side of things. A nice grapefruit hit is the first impression it leaves on the tongue, quickly followed by a little malty burnt taste, and a little sweetness. The bottle says peach and raisins but I wasn't convinced on this score. I will consent to being a rank amateur, though, so don't be surprised if it actually tastes like peach soaked raisins when you taste it.
I really enjoyed this beer, and I will be trying the rest of the range. Keep an eye out for their special editions also, and let me know if you come across anything unusual from them. You may have noticed that I've added the ABV to the titles. I feel it adds a sense of completeness, and also stops me having to sneak it into the main body. Hope you like it.