We had a bit of a dilemma when deciding about putting this on my blog. The problem we (me and Betty) we having was whether these were cupcakes or muffins. You see we thought that they were the same thing, but cupcakes were just small muffins. How wrong we were! Muffins are apparently more like bread in how they are made and in the ratio of fat to sugar. Whereas cupcakes are more like cake.
So these are muffins. Even though they look a little cupcakey, take my word for it.....muffins.
150g self raising flour
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
80g caster sugar
60g butter
5tbs natural yoghurt
zest of half a lemon
2tbs lemon juice
1 egg
zest and juice of 1 lime
25g caster sugar
250g icing sugar
25g butter
3tbs lemon juice
yellow and green food colouring
30 mini eggs
1. Preheat an oven to 190°C.
2. Mix the flour, bicarb and 80g of sugar in a bowl.
3. Melt the butter and mix with the egg, yoghurt, lemon juice and zest.
4. Combine the wet with the dry ingredients and mix as little as possible until just combined.
5. Divide into 10 muffin cases (or less if you want bigger ones) and out into the oven for about 15mins or until golden brown.
6. Put the lime juice and zest and remaining 25g of sugar into a saucepan and heat until sugar is dissolved. Pour over the muffins just as they come out of the oven. (sieve the lime mix if you want to remove the zest)
1. Melt butter and lemon juice into saucepan.
2. Mix in with sifted icing sugar until smooth.
3. Divide into two halves and put a couple of drops of yellow into one and green into the other.

So there we have it. Lovely little muffins of lovliness!